

Gratitude, an antidote to consumerism

If we could design a holiday that would double as the kickoff to the Christmas shopping season, I think it should be a holiday focused on gratitude.  Practicing gratitude for the gift of being alive, for there being something rather than nothing, for wakefulness and breathing, for warm fires and…

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Expecting Emmanuel

Advent came a bit early this year.  This past Sunday Mark and I shared the sermon to preview our Advent theme and give some commentary on the foundational text for the season – The Gospel of Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus.  It includes five women, each with outsider status.  This coming…

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Patience plus pizza and tunes at the polls

Yesterday our church building again served as a polling location and was full of our Clintonville neighbors.  Really full.  When I arrived in the morning the voting area in the fellowship hall was overflowing into a line that came down the stairs into the foyer and curved back to the…

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Midweek Blog: True Belonging

A couple months ago I wrote about how I had only recently jumped on the Brené Brown bandwagon, and I just now finished a second book by her, Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone. I chose this second work by Brown because…

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Ritualizing transitions

What do a hornet’s nest, a self-portrait, a banjo, a philosophy book, and a narwhal stuffy have in common?  These were some of the many items that showed up at the church last evening for the closing mini-retreat of the Transitions and Ritual group.  Each participant was asked to bring…

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