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Small Groups

Small groups offer a way to make connections and build relationships. They are a primary care unit in our congregational life.

We offer a wide variety of groups and are always open to fresh ideas for new groups.  Some of our current groups are listed below, but new groups form on a rolling basis as interests arise.

If you are interested in becoming a part of a small group, contact the church office.

Area 23

An intergenerational group that meets once a month for a meal and supporting one another through various life circumstances.

The Big BREAD Machine

Our group meets once a month for a dinner or potluck in a member’s home. We take time to get to know each other and also keep abreast of B.R.E.A.D issues and needs. We act as the CMC support group for B.R.E.A.D whe events are scheduled that require assistance.

Book Group #1

Discusses a wide variety of books, both fiction and nonfiction.  Read and discuss one book per month.  Members decide which books to read.

Creation Care at CMC

A group that was formed out of a Sunday School class in the Fall of 2019.  We host meet ups in a Metro Park or other green space at a specific time with the intent to allow the allotted time to be what it wants to be.

Connecting Peoples 

This group tends to CMC’s relationship with our sister congregation in Armenia, Colombia.  The group coordinates regular communication  and interaction between the two congregations and works to help others be aware of conflict in Colombia and the effect US policies have on the people of Colombia.  It also seeks CMCers willing to travel to Armenia and our sister church for short- and long-term visits, and it arranges for lodging and activities when members of our sister church visit Columbus.

Family Group

Small group of families meeting together for food and fellowship.

Garden Group

We meet monthly to plant and maintain the grounds of CMC.  As a small group, we also listen, love, and care for each other as we increase our gardening skills and knowledge.

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast is a 40-year tradition of fellowship and fun. Come each week or come when you can. Join us to hear sage wisdom, compelling stories, and lots of good humor. Everything shared can be considered confidential because none of the older men can remember it by the time they get home.

Acoustic Music Group

We meet to sing and play acoustic music, including folk, gospel, and some original pieces. We are an informal song-circle format that gathers just for the fun of it. This group is open to anyone who would like to sing or play.

Page Turners

We are a group of women who gather monthly in our homes to discuss books of all types. The hostess chooses the book, provides dessert, and leads the discussion. We also share about our lives, laugh a lot and support each other in various ways outside our monthly meetings.


This group gathers twice monthly to cut, sew and knot comforters that the Mennonite Central Committee distributes to refugees around the world. We also design and make items for the Ohio MCC Relief Sale quilt auctions. Members participate when they can and some work on comforters at home.

Poetry Unwind

Members rotate turns bringing a poem for the group to discuss, and we check in with one another.  This group meets every other week via Zoom on Tuesdays at 7pm and is open to anyone.

Richard Rohr Discussion Group

The Richard Rohr Meditations small group meets over Zoom from 12-1pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month and is open to all.  Be in touch with Pastor Joel to receive a reminder email before each gathering.  We read and discuss one of his meditations from the week, no preparation needed.

Spiritual Direction

This meditation group was formed around 1998 and has developed over time into a group that uses meditation, usually on Scripture, and prayerful listening to find personal leadings of the Spirit.  Because of the level of intimacy and trust within the group, members do not change often.

Women’s Brunch Bunch

We are an informal and open group which welcomes all women so we can get better acquainted.  We laugh and share our stories with the group.  We even have some interesting discussions.

Wild Church

All are invited to join us at Olentangy Wild Church every second Sunday of the month at 4pm. Wild church is an international movement of communities who worship outdoors and listen for God’s voice in the natural world. Worship includes welcoming words, a scripture reading, and brief reflection, followed by an extended time of wandering in the woods. At the end we come back together and share about our experience, pray with one another, and close with a benediction. Services last about an hour and we welcome all ages to participate.

Women’s Coffee Time

Women’s informal discussion group. We meet for coffee and refreshents in the Fellowship Hall, typically on the second Thursday of the month.