Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly.

Micah 6:8

Sunday Worship: 9:30 am


Columbus Mennonite Church is an inclusive congregation seeking to follow Jesus’ teachings of love to all, justice for all, and fellowship with all. We invite you to come journey with us in the way of Christ.

Our Vision: God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as a community of grace, joy, and peace so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.

2024 Service Trip to West Virginia


Worship | July 28

Sermon: Joel Miller

Scripture | Matthew 7:7-12

Service is also available via Zoom. Email the church office to request the link. 

Upcoming Events

Vacation Bible School


Our VBS this year is themed "Changemakers Lab" and will take place Wednesday evenings (July 17, 24, 31, Aug. 7) from 5:30-7:30  and Saturday morning (Aug. 10) from 9-12 for children who have complete Preschool through 4th grade. Older youth are invited to participate as helpers. We hope to see you there. If you haven't already signed up, please contact Pastor Mark.


Cone flower with honey bee

A Softball Lesson

This is the final week of the summer softball season for Ila’s NCIL league that plays at Whetstone Park.  I’ve been co-coaching along with several other parents since early May.  We’ve lost more games than we’ve won, and the 9-11 age range makes for quite a developmental spread.  But this…

Upcoming Events

Vacation Bible School


Our VBS this year is themed "Changemakers Lab" and will take place Wednesday evenings (July 17, 24, 31, Aug. 7) from 5:30-7:30  and Saturday morning (Aug. 10) from 9-12 for children who have complete Preschool through 4th grade. Older youth are invited to participate as helpers. We hope to see you there. If you haven't already signed up, please contact Pastor Mark.


Merton’s great concern is that we have freed ourselves from the bounds of traditional structures – that we have made great scientific and technological progress – without having freed ourselves from an age-old illusion that we can better the world without first bettering ourselves.
Let’s imagine Jesus thinking of Cain’s seven-fold vengeance, and Lamech’s seventy-seven-fold vengeange.  Let’s imagine him conceiving of forgiveness as an antidote.  A kind of reverse revenge.  Not some kind of passive forgetfulness, or non-accountability for the one who did the harm.  Forgiveness as a kind of active, engaged, even aggressive peacemaking.
I think it’s fair to say that Production is one of the patron saints of our culture.  We’re pretty good at production.  But before Production committed violence, he was a servant of the earth.  The earth remembers, and maybe Production will remember too.  And maybe, if we listen closely enough, if we put our ear near enough to the earth, we’ll hear the voice of Abel, and we’ll see interdependence.
The power and goodness of the Kin-dom are within us all, stored up as our potential for showing love in every moment. The Kin-dom is within because we all have the capacity to choose to build relationships of peace and justice with each other and the world around us. The Kin-dom is within because it rests on the power of God working through the work of our heads, our hearts, and our hands to keep bringing new life out of places of death and destruction.

Upcoming Events

Vacation Bible School


Our VBS this year is themed "Changemakers Lab" and will take place Wednesday evenings (July 17, 24, 31, Aug. 7) from 5:30-7:30  and Saturday morning (Aug. 10) from 9-12 for children who have complete Preschool through 4th grade. Older youth are invited to participate as helpers. We hope to see you there. If you haven't already signed up, please contact Pastor Mark.