Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly.

Micah 6:8

Sunday morning worship: 9:30 am; Christian Education Classes: 11:00 am


Columbus Mennonite Church is an inclusive congregation seeking to follow Jesus’ teachings of love to all, justice for all, and fellowship with all. We invite you to come journey with us in the way of Christ.

Our Vision: God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as a community of grace, joy, and peace so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world.

2024 Service Trip to West Virginia


February 9, 2025

Sermon: Pastor Joel Miller

Scripture: Luke 7:1-19

The worship service is also available by Zoom. Contact the church office if you would like the link.

Upcoming Events

Winter Seminar

This year's Winter Seminar: Grappling with Meaning and Purpose in the Dead of Winter will provide a space for exploring themes of purpose, vocation and finding meaning in the many forms our life's work can take. Led by CMC member and Career Counselor Jacqui Hoke. Saturday, January 18, 2025 from 9:45am - 2:00pm.


Cone flower with honey bee

The Risk in Not Risking

This week’s blog comes from Pastoral Intern Bethany Davey I have been thinking a lot about risk. Since the inauguration, the day-to-day risks assumed by those of us who are immigrants, transgender, nonbinary and queer is heightened. The threat of violence is palpable, and there is fear in the air….

Upcoming Events

Winter Seminar

This year's Winter Seminar: Grappling with Meaning and Purpose in the Dead of Winter will provide a space for exploring themes of purpose, vocation and finding meaning in the many forms our life's work can take. Led by CMC member and Career Counselor Jacqui Hoke. Saturday, January 18, 2025 from 9:45am - 2:00pm.


We in the church live at the crossroads of listening for Wisdom, and, despite our shortcomings, being a kind of demonstration plot for Wisdom’s ways. 
Jesus Sophia kickstarts the cycle of life which had been spiraling down toward death.  The anointed one, Wisdom, has been raised up.  Jesus Sophia lives and reigns with God.  Not as a conquering king.  But as eternal Wisdom.  Wisdom which is always seeking out other bodies to continue the story of Jesus Sophia.  We are the body of Christ.  We are the body of Sophia.
Vashti may not have accomplished any significant changes or moves toward a more just society, but her story becomes part of a heritage of resistance, imagination, and solidarity. Her risk of defying the king created space for others to imagine themselves standing for something greater than themselves.
Nothing in existence is self-created.  Not even those lonely 21st century humans.  Everything and everyone is Wisdom-created.  And we, like Wisdom, have the remarkable capacity to remain in ourselves, and renew – maybe not all things – but at least be part of the renewal of things around us.  That’s what Wisdom is doing in this story.  And that’s our story.

Upcoming Events

Winter Seminar

This year's Winter Seminar: Grappling with Meaning and Purpose in the Dead of Winter will provide a space for exploring themes of purpose, vocation and finding meaning in the many forms our life's work can take. Led by CMC member and Career Counselor Jacqui Hoke. Saturday, January 18, 2025 from 9:45am - 2:00pm.