Make us a channel…

Today is the first day of school for Columbus City Schools.  Some other local districts are already in their second week.

Today also happens to be my dad’s birthday.  Which has me thinking about how knowledge, culture, wisdom, responsibility, and love are passed from one generation to another.

Schooling is such a big part of this.  We release our kids to teachers who have dedicated their professional lives to helping shape our children.  In our nuclear family centered way of life, it’s a bit of a relief to have help from the village.  Thank you teachers for all you do.

Congregations too are part of the village.  Even something as simple as being greeted by name by non-related adults can have a significant impact on children’s sense of belonging and empathy to others.

The much-loved Prayer of St. Francis begins “Make me a channel of your peace.”  Thinking generationally, we are all channeling something! – Including knowledge, culture, and love.
