

The gods must be…angry?

Now that we’re in the middle of Revelation…One of the most difficult aspects of Revelation is the violence and suffering it describes –much of it appearing to be from God.  There are two Greek words that get translated as “wrath” throughout Revelation and they are used a total of 16…

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Dear Church…

Our worship series on the Book of Revelation will be jumping around quite a bit to look at the book more thematically than narratively.  This makes sense because going straight through the book would both take far longer than a month and would likely lead to the overwhelming feelings that…

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Blog from Chris Pedersen

As many of you may know, my name is Chris Pedersen and I will be interning at Columbus Mennonite for the next year. I have been able to introduce myself to many of you but for those I haven’t yet met, hi! I was asked to write the blog for…

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Revelation in October

Last summer we selected twelve scriptures that guide our understanding of the Bible and the life of faith.  The scriptures were the basis of our summer worship series and continue to be colorfully displayed in the church foyer and on our website.  But since the Bible isn’t all love and…

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A teaching congregation

Last week I attended a pastor peer meeting in the Bluffton area.  It was the first time Renee Kanagy, the new pastor of Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship, where I pastored before Columbus, was a part of this group.  Over the course of conversation Renee mentioned that she lived in Columbus from…

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