Freedom Center Reflections
Last Saturday, nearly 20 members of Columbus Mennonite got the opportunity to partner with around 20 members of Cincinnati Mennonite to tour the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in downtown Cincinnati and discuss the ways our respective congregations are working toward racial justice. The day was rich with good discussion,…
A hidden wholeness
When a 10+ year old book comes into your life from two unrelated sources within the span of a week, it might be worth paying attention. That book for me this week was Parker Palmer’s A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward An Undivided Life. I’m on page 14 so…
Faith, values, and the 2016 election
If this election season is sucking your will to live, here’s a breath of fresh air. HERE is a reflection guide for voters called “Faith, Values, and the 2016 Election: Toward a Politics of the Golden Rule.” It is published by Faith in Public Life and has strong ecumenical and…
Day of Atonement
Last evening after our Worship Commission met I went into the sanctuary to experience worship of another kind, the service already underway. About 100 members of the Little Minyan Jewish congregation were beginning their observance of the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The congregation…
Jesus for President?
In the High School Sunday School class, we are spending part of the fall semester talking about the relationship between faith and politics. The hope is that we could create a space for the high school youth (and the teachers) to process and think critically about the politically charged atmosphere…