


Today I came across a quote attributed to Thomas Merton: “If the you of five years ago doesn’t consider the you of today a heretic, you are not growing spiritually.”  I’m a little leery to pass it along because it doesn’t have a specific reference to one of Merton’s writings. …

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Settling into place

Our family has been living in our house for about three months now (My first month at CMC, you may remember, was homeless and wife-and-kids-less).  The moving in process is slow but rewarding.  In the last week we have hung curtains, organized our dining rooms shelves, found the just-right color/design/size…

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The gifts of women

On the last Sunday of October congregations are invited to observe Mennonite Heritage Sunday, each year having a different theme related to the Anabaptist/Mennonite story.  This year’s theme is The Gifts of Women. Needless to say, the church historically has not done such a good job of treating women and…

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TEDx Columbus

During Sunday’s sermon I mentioned a TED talk given by Brene Brown called “The power of vulnerability.”  A link to that talk has been included in the sermon blog and can also be linked HERE.  The tagline of TED talks is “Ideas worth spreading,” and this is one talk, and…

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Economic refugees

Phloem and Xylem: Economic refugees October 9, 2013 Yesterday I attended a breakfast for clergy of the supporting congregations of the YWCA Family Center.  Once a month Columbus Mennonite teams with North Broadway United Methodist Church to serve a dinner.  Our congregation also gives $1000 annually to support the mission…

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