

Message Received

Last week approximately 20-30 children gathered at the church every evening between Sunday and Thursday for Vacation Bible School.  A big thanks to all who helped make VBS possible this year.  It would not have happened without the willing and graceful leadership of organizers, teachers, snack preparers, game leaders, craft…

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Hashtags, polity, and buzzwords

If you were unable to attend worship on Sunday you missed a wonderful celebration of Mark’s credentialing, including a powerful sermon reflecting on Jesus’ parable of the banquet in Luke 14.  We were honored to have numerous out of town guests (32 to be precise), many from Central District Conference,…

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Geologic time

Our family arrived back from vacation last Thursday night.  We had all driven out to Kansas City, Eve and me staying for the Convention, Abbie taking Lily and Ila on to her hometown of Quinter in Western Kansas.  After Convention we joined up in Quinter and spent a week in…

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Dear queer Mennonites

Dear queer Mennonites at the Kansas City Convention, and those watching from home, This week your church failed you.  Your people, your denomination, your faith community opted to build unity for itself at your expense.  Officially, we reaffirmed that pastors may not perform same sex covenant ceremonies and that doing…

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Blogging from Kansas City: Thursday

“The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.  This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.”  Psalm 118:22-23 My dear, dear, Mennonite brothers and sisters, my people, my tribe.  All week long at this Convention we’ve been hearing about the Emmaus road story.  How the…

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