

Midwives of justice

“…chosen as partners, midwives of justice, birthing new systems, lighting new lights.” From the song “God of the Bible,” Sing the Journey 27 This winter I’ve been a part of a Sunday school class studying the book of Exodus and its many intersections with the African American experience of slavery…

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A Lenten fast

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, and Pope Francis is calling for a fast from indifference: ““Indifference to our neighbor and to God represents a real temptation for us Christians. Each year during Lent we need to hear once more the voice of the prophets who cry…

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Doing Our Own Work

Here at Columbus Mennonite, we will be talking about and working on issues of race through the next year.  This is a commitment we have made in an effort to be the Church in this particular moment in history.  It is also worth considering, however, the ways in which we…

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And a Child Shall Lead Them

On February 7th, there will be a Children and Youth led Sunday service. When the idea first got proposed, I was extremely curious as to how something like this would turn out. Truth be told, it has been awesome to work with the kids on this! When I brought the…

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Bible study time

  What does Jesus’ lament over the city of Jerusalem in Luke 13:31-35 have to do with racial relations in the US?  What does Jesus’ wilderness temptations in Luke 4 have to do with white privilege?  How does the prophet Isaiah’s proclamation that God is “about to do a new…

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