Tending and Attending
This coming Sunday is our second annual (?!?) Youth-led worship service, where not only will our young people be leading us in the various worship-leading roles, but three of them will also offer sermon meditations as the message for the day. This is our second year organizing this service, and…
Mid Week Blog | Final stretch of the pandemic | Robin Walton
I am not sure what all will happen in the final stretch of the pandemic, but I guess we can call any point the beginning of the end. How do we know while we are still in it? There are some who think we are still in for some ups…
Mid week blog – a time-honored tradition | Robin Walton
Friends, Here’s my first crack at a time-honored tradition. First, let me thank you for trusting me to cover some of Joel’s duties this summer while he is on sabbatical. I will take this opportunity to reiterate my responsibilities: I will help with worship coordination, assist any of the worship…
Daily Connector | April Adult Education Discussions | Katie Graber, LT
As Leadership Team was preparing for the April 25 congregational meeting, we realized how many big topics we have to discuss. We decided that two topics (COVID and reparations) deserve a whole hour to hear from the committees and discuss what their findings and recommendations mean for our community. We…
Daily Connector | Part VI: Reparations Essay | Wilbur Miller
I’m sharing with you a couple snapshots of what I am learning about our diverse nation’s migration story. The last eleven years Shirley and I have been living among African Americans in Olde Towne East here in central Ohio. The last several years I have been reading about the history…
Daily Connector | Part VII: Repent. Repair. “Diversity, Inclusion, Equity” | Brent Miller

CMC Daily Connector Friday March 26, 2021 Part VII: Repent. Repair. Real Estate (!?!) “Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity” by Brent Miller Earlier this week I wrote about “Redlining” practices that were commonplace up until the 1968 Fair Housing Act made it illegal. It just so happened that in the latest…
Daily Connector | Part V: Reparations Essay | Joel Copeland
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Dc4W91hFPw (This link was Joel’s Sunday presentation, with Joel reading the essay below). Thoughts on repent and repair We acknowledge we are gathering on land where Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and other Indigenous peoples have lived and labored, fought, and loved. I walk this land for a couple of hours…
Daily Connector | Part VI Repent. Repair. Real Estate: Redlining and the environment | Brent Miller
“Redlining,” as many of you know, was a common practice in the housing industry used by mortgage companies to deny loans to certain populations. You can guess which populations those were. The practice got its name from maps in loan officers’ offices on which areas were outlined in red to…
Daily Connector | Easter Egg Activity with Junior Youth | Mim Halterman

Did you ever wonder how to make these Easter Eggs? Well now’s the perfect time to ask one of the Junior Youth or Robin Walton. Although I’ve had the pleasure of making them with Robin, I’m not going to let the secret out. It’s a Martha Stewart delight – yes…
Daily Connector | Part V: Repent. Repair. Real Estate | Brent Miller
A couple of years ago I attended a panel on civil rights and fair housing issues. One panelist (“Panelist A”) was adamant that the only way to reparation and repentance would come through one-on-one conversations. It needs to start at home. At work. With our children and with our neighbors….