Daily Connector | April Adult Education Discussions | Katie Graber, LT

As Leadership Team was preparing for the April 25 congregational meeting, we realized how many big topics we have to discuss. We decided that two topics (COVID and reparations) deserve a whole hour to hear from the committees and discuss what their findings and recommendations mean for our community. We will use the Christian Education hour in the weeks after Easter for full congregational discussions on these topics. Although only members are able to vote at the April 25 meeting, we are hopeful anyone and everyone can participate in the discussions each Sunday.

April 11 – COVID task force

The COVID task force has done extensive research about CDC guidelines and how they would work in our church building. Building manager Jeff Delcamp has also assessed water quality and air ventilation systems. They have asked questions such as: how many people could be in our sanctuary at various levels of distancing? How many people could get in and out of the bathrooms to wash their hands and use the facilities? They will give a presentation, followed by a discussion about what gathering together might look like if only some of us are able to be present. How will it feel to gather if we can’t get too close to anyone? How can we make sure everyone feels included, whether in the building or at home?

April 18 – Reparations Committee

The Reparations Committee has done extensive research as we have been hearing in worship during Lent. This group was tasked with making a recommendation on how to use $5,000 designated for reparations from our congregational budget. They will report on their process, recommendations, and lead a discussion on questions this work has provoked.

April 25 – Congregational Meeting

At the April 25 Congregational Meeting, a vote will be held to renew Pastor Mark Rupp’s call to ministry at CMC for another three year term, based on the congregational review that was conducted last spring. We will be approving the Gift Discernment slate, with gratitude for all the capable folks giving their time and skills to the church. There will be a time of celebration for paying off the renovation loan for the sanctuary as well as for the birth of the new CMC policy manual! The congregation will vote on some changes to the constitution, and Leadership Team will highlight some of the exciting new and newly-clarified policies. A full agenda will be emailed before the meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend with CMC members eligible to vote.