
Sunday Morning


Our worship service is at 9:30 am at 35 Oakland Park Avenue, Columbus, OH 43214. 

In worship we direct our attention and desires toward the One in whom we live and move and have our being.  We celebrate the way of Jesus and allow ourselves to be both comforted and confounded by the call of Christ into discipleship.  We make ourselves present to the Holy Spirit who enlivens and guides our lives.

Welcome to Columbus Mennonite is multi-voiced.  Numerous people of all ages participate in the worship service.  Each service takes on a unique flavor depending on who paricipates in its planning and leadership.  In our singing, everyone participates in playing the instrument we always carry with us – our voice.  Singing is usually without instrumentation, although we are blessed with gifted musicians who play af different points throughout the service. There is often a time for open sharing of personal joys and concerns.  We appreciate thought-provoking and challenging sermons drawn from Scripture. 

Along with music, we value the visual arts and often have a seasonal or thematic installation in the sanctuary which deepens our worship.  

We are currently following the Narrative Lectionary and appreciate the structure of the liturgical church year. We also have special Sundays throughout the year such as Transitions, All Saints/All Souls, Gratitude, Coming of Age, and Membership.

We practice an open Communion table at which all who hunger and thirst for God are invited to participate.

We encourage people to bring their full selves into worship, and honor the range of life’s circumstances.  Lament and laughter, sorrow and joy, doubt and conviction are all present in our gatherings.

Christian Education

Our Christian Education classes for children and adults begin at 11:00 am and end at noon.

We look forward to meeting you this Sunday!