Worship in Place | Transformative Play | February 14



The video above includes the full service, except for the time for sharing. For sermon video only: https://vimeo.com/512227518

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained through One License with license A-727859



Land Acknowledgement 

    We acknowledge we are gathering on land where Miami, Osage, Shawnee, and other Indigenous peoples have lived and labored, fought, and loved.     We continue to work and pray for justice and conciliation.     

Call to Worship

Lighting of the Peace Candle

VT 43 | God, Be the Love to Search and Keep Me | Maya Plessinger, Natalie, Grant Metcalf, Ames Metcalf, Ila Miller, Reuben Wyse, and Leo Wyse, vocals: Phil Hart, guitar

Adult’s Time

Offering/Dedication Prayer  https://www.columbusmennonite.org/donateget-involved/donate

VT 808 | Between Darkness and Light | Mira Bixler, cello; Stella Bixler, flute

Scripture | Mark 9:2-9 

Sermon | Imagination is a Hill We Climb | For sermon video only: https://vimeo.com/512227518

Silent Reflection

Hymn | Lord of the Dance | Jenny Campagna, voice; Steve Rolfe, bass; Phil Hart, guitar and voice

Sharing of Creativity

Pastoral Prayer 

Extinguishing the Peace Candle 



Christian Education | 11:00 am


Thanks to everyone who helped lead today’s service

Sermon: Children/Youth

Worship Leader: Phil Yoder

Music coordination: Phil Hart

Adult’s Time: Nina Graber-Nofziger

Peace Candle: Troyer Family

Scripture Reading: Melissa, Tristan, and Katrina Cortes

Zoom Host, video production of sermon: Elisa Leahy