Good Friday | 10 April 2020
Prelude | Ah, Holy Jesus,* Johann Cruger (1640) Arr by John Carter (*HWB 254) | Tom Blosser
Welcome | Joel Miller
Call to Worship | Miller Family
On this night, as the shadows deepen,
We come to be present with Jesus.
With the glory of Palm Sunday behind us and the victory of Easter not yet come,
We will sit together, although apart, with our listening and breaking hearts.
In this world that is at once beautiful and tragic,
We seek to be present with all who suffer.
We will be present with ourselves
In the dark valleys of life, when sorrow threatens to overwhelm,
We long for a safe and sacred space to sit with our grief and our questions.
Jesus Christ, holy friend,
we know that you are here with us.
Let us be here with you. Amen.
Hymn | STJ 105 Don’t be afraid | Tom Blosser
Prayer of Confession (from Psalm 51) | Mark Rupp
Have mercy on us, O God, according to your steadfast love.
According to your abundant mercy, blot out our transgressions.
Create in us clean hearts, O God,
And put new and right spirits within us.
Assurance of Pardon | Mark Rupp
God will not cast us from the Divine presence. God will not take the Holy Spirit from us. God forgives and restores. May the peace of Christ be with you.
Prayer | Mark Rupp
Holy, loving, suffering God,
Give us eyes to see
the injustice and suffering that abound.
Give us hearts to feel
the depth of this world’s brokenness.
Give us ears now to hear
the words of your passion.
Hymn | HWB 241 Tis midnight and on Olive’s brow | Tom Blosser
THE DEAL | Carolina Neese
Luke 22:1-6
Hymn | VT Sampler 4, Stay with me, the night has come | v. 1 “Stay with me…” | Abbie Miller
THE ROOM AND TABLE | Haley Behnfeldt
Luke 22:7-23
Hymn | STS 77 Here is the bread | Tom Blosser
THE GARDEN | Nina Graber-Nofziger
Mark 14:32-42
Hymn | STS 83 Remember me | Tom Blosser
THE ARREST | David Emch
Luke 22:47-54
Hymn | VT Sampler 4, Stay with me, the night has come | v. 1 “Stay with me…” | Lily Miller
THE DENIAL | Katie Mast
Matthew 26:69-75
Hymn | VT Sampler 4, Stay with me, the night has come | v. 2 “Pray with me…” | Abbie and Lily Miller
John 18:28-19:16
Hymn | VT Sampler 4, Stay with me, the night has come | v. 3 “Watch with me…” | Abbie Miller
THE WALK | Rosali Leahy
Luke 23:26-32
Hymn | HWB 530 What wondrous love is this | Tom Blosser
THE CROSS | Becca Lachman
Mark 15:22-41
Hymn | VT Sampler 4, Stay with me, the night has come | v. 4 “Weep with me…” 2x | Abbie and Lily Miller
~You are invited to sit in silent darkness for several minutes,
perhaps holding in mind a particular phrase from the readings~