CMC Worship in Place | Easter 6 | Membership Sunday | May 17


Easter 6 | Membership Sunday

Prelude | Katrina Cortes

Peace Candle | Britni, Jeff, Micah, and Blaise Lookabaugh

As we worship in place today, we light a Peace Candle in our home, inviting you to light a Peace Candle in your home.  The flame joins us in spirit across distance, along with our sister church in Armenia, Colombia.    

Welcome and Opening | Joel Miller

Call to Worship | Adam Glass, Victoria Schrock, Meaghan Torres, Will Kentris

HWB 356 | Breathe on me, breath of God | Debra, Galen, Sarah, and Elizabeth Martin

Children’s Time | Mark Rupp

Membership Commitment Statement | New members

Pastoral Prayer and Offering Dedication | Joel Miller

Special Music | Excerpt from Wedding Day at Troldhaugen Op. 65 no. 6 by Edvard Grieg | Katrina Cortes

Scripture | John 14:15-21 | Jared Crowe and Katie Kramer

Faith journey reflections | New members 

STJ 2 | Come walk with us | Debra, Galen, Sarah, and Elizabeth Martin

STJ 87 | Put peace into each other’s hands | Debra, Galen, Sarah, and Elizabeth Martin

Benediction | Joel Miller

Communion* | 11 am via Zoom

*We practice an open Communion table and all who hunger and thirst for God are welcome to participate.