Order of Worship
Call to Worship
Peace Candle
As we worship in place today, we light a Peace Candle in our home.
May this flame be a sign of our prayer for peace within us, among us, to the ends of the earth.
The flame joins us in spirit across distance, along with our sister church in Armenia, Colombia.
Music Commentary
HWB 366 | God of grace and God of glory | Fred Suter, Marlene Suter, Julie Hart, Phil Hart
Children’s Time
Offering/Dedication Prayer
HWB 164 | When Israel was in Egypt’s land | Phil Hart
Scripture | Exodus 1:8-2:10
Sermon | Things To Do When You Fear God
HWB 446 | Wade in the water | Steve Rolfe, bass; Tom Blosser, piano;, Alexander Martin, violin, Phil Hart, guitar and vocals
First Fruits Announcement
Sharing of Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
Extinguishing the Peace Candle
Thanks to everyone who led today’s service:
Sermon: Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan Jr., Ohio Council of Churches
Worship Leader: Julie Hart
Music coordination and commentary: Phil Hart
Children’s Time: Stried Family
Peace Candle: Meaghan Torres
Scripture Reading: Meaghan Torres
First Fruits Announcement: Scott Applegate