Midweek Blog: Death Penalty Repeal

In March, Virginia became the 23rd state to put an end to the death penalty, and now there is momentum in Ohio to do the same here.  Bipartisan sponsored bills have been introduced in both the Ohio House and Senate, and now is a crucial time to make sure representatives hear from you.  During this season of Easter, this can be one of the ways we practice living out the resurrection and helping to bring life in places of death. 

The group Ohioans to Stop Execution (OTSE) is especially encouraging people to contact senators and urge them to support Senate Bill 103.  This includes those that are your specific senators as well as the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  The bill already had its first committee hearing, but calls are still vital to getting the bill passed.

Below is a step-by-step guide with links for finding contact info for senators and a Google form for recording any responses you get.  Recording the responses can help OTSE know how to target their advocacy work.  In addition, they have a very helpful page with sample scripts for phone calls.

Call Instructions for help in passing SB 103 – Abolishing the Death Penalty in Ohio

  1. Find your OH Senator and/or the Senate Judiciary Committee members
  2. Call their office and tell the aide:

    1. Your name and where you live.
    2. There was sponsor testimony March 31 in the Senate Judiciary Committee on SB 103, a bill to abolish the death penalty.
    3. Why you are opposed to the death penalty.
    4. Ask: Does the senator support this bill? If the aide doesn't know, provide a call back phone number or email for the aide to follow up with you.
    5. Record what you find out in this Google Form. This is necessary for the campaign to know who to target, how, and when.