

Make us a channel…

Today is the first day of school for Columbus City Schools.  Some other local districts are already in their second week. Today also happens to be my dad’s birthday.  Which has me thinking about how knowledge, culture, wisdom, responsibility, and love are passed from one generation to another. Schooling is…

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A well-deserved mini-Sabbatical

In case you missed it, Gwen is on Sabbatical.  Or more accurately, a three week mini-Sabbatical.  Gwen has worked for the church 17 years and in 2012 stepped into the role of full time Office Administrator.  Since that time she has become increasingly integral in supporting commissions and Leadership Team…

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Playful Prayer/Prayerful Play

To open a Christian Education Commission meeting a few weeks ago, I shared a passage from a book I’m currently reading called The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children in Uncertain Times by Amelia Richardson Dress. Throughout the book, Dress looks at various spiritual practices and offers caregivers ideas about what…

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Too many good things for one to hold

Yesterday I attended the monthly Interfaith Justice Table that brings Central Ohio clergy and nonprofit and community leaders together around pertinent issues and excellent breakfast casserole.  I’ve written about this gathering before.  It’s usually an eclectic agenda and this was no exception. Rev. Dan Clark discussed the One Person One…

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