

Some good news

We got some good news a couple days ago worth celebrating. The city of Columbus budgeting process involves the mayor sending a proposed budget to City Council toward the end of the calendar year, with Council having the ability to make its own adjustments.  On Monday, Council President Shannon Hardin…

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Times are A-Changin’ Us All

With the Coming of Age Celebration this Sunday, I’ve been thinking a lot about the topic of transitions and change. One of the things that has been bouncing around my brain is an NPR article that came out late last year about how the pandemic may have shifted our personalities…

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Snow day, surprise Sabbath

It’s a snow day for Columbus City Schools and, as far as I can tell, just about every K-12 school around Central Ohio.  This is not particularly convenient for parents and guardians who suddenly need to account for their children throughout the day, and do their regular job. And yet…Maybe…

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It “did something to the material you’re made of”

For this week of honoring the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Kings Jr, I share words from Rosemarie Freeney Harding from her memoir Remnants.  Rosemarie and her husband Vincent were close companions of the Kings and involved, for a time, in the racially integrated “Mennonite House” in Atlanta. “Martin…

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What The Sneetches teaches

Last Saturday I was doing some house cleaning while listening to a podcast, the most recent episode of NPR’s “Planet Money.”  I was intrigued with the title: “The economics lessons in kids’ books.”  I was even more intrigued when the episode centered on an elementary classroom “in the Columbus, Ohio…

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