

The arts, rising

Last Friday and Saturday our family headed down to Cincinnati for the biennial Mennonite Arts Weekend.  It was of course special to see friends from our seven years of living and pastoring in the city.  And it is always special to be a part of that weekend gathering which welcomes Mennonite artists from…

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The Wisdom Jesus

This week I’ve started reading The Wisdom Jesus: Transforming Heart and Mind – a New Perspective on Christ and His Message by Cynthia Bourgeault.  It was a book recommended last week at AMBS Pastor’s Week.  I’m always a bit skeptical when books claim to have a “new perspective” on Christ…

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Learning to see

Greetings from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Indiana.  It’s ccccold with lots of snow on the ground, but a surprising number of people have shown up for this year’s Pastor’s Week. There’s been a lot of change here even since I graduated in 2006.  Aside from some new and…

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Coming of Age

How do you know when you’re no longer a child and have grown into a new stage of life?  Cultures throughout time have had various rites of passage that have marked this transition, and at Columbus Mennonite we are beginning a Coming of Age practice of our own, to be…

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Gay update

Nothing like starting off the new year with one of the most contentious issues facing the wider church. There are a number of happenings right now having to do with how the Mennonite Church relates with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and self-identified queer persons (LGBTQ).  Mountain States Conference (one of…

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