Just-Peace Camp, Season 1 Recap

Here’s what you missed on JPC...

Not being together in the building means that if you don’t have children participating in Just-Peace Camp, you might not even realize it is happening.  Rather than doing multiple days in a row, we decided to spread the program out over three weeks, releasing materials to parents on Thursdays for them to use whenever was convenient for their family.  

One of the things that got released every week was a video that introduced that week’s theme and included a short interview with someone connected to CMC who has an interesting perspective on that week’s topic.  Making the switch to a virtual program involved a lot of learning as we went, and one thing I learned is that even though we tried to make these interviews kid-friendly, they still tended to skew a little older than many of the participants.    

Because of this, I thought I’d pass along the videos to the rest of the congregation to enjoy and learn a little bit more about what we talked about in Just-Peace Camp.  There are three videos and each one is between 10-15 minutes long.  

Week 1: Justice and Identity

  • We kick off Just-Peace Camp by talking about how “justice” and “peace” relate to each other, and Shakita K. helps us explore justice at the level of identity.

Week 2: Justice in Our Communities

  • This week we talk to Joel C. about his work in the community and understanding how justice and charity overlap in our work to build communities of justice.   

Week 3: Justice and the Environment

  • This week Ben W. talks to us about his experiences at Standing Rock and how different layers of injustice overlap and connect to one another all the way from the very personal to how we treat the environment. 

Thanks to each of the interviewees for talking with me and for working for just-peace in their own ways.  If you tune in to the worship service in a few weeks (Aug. 16) you will also get to hear the Just-Peace Camp theme song.

And that’s what you missed on JPC…