Daily Connector | Screeching to a halt | Julie Hart

I recently returned from two demanding months of service/volunteer work with asylum seekers in San Antonio, TX. Phil and I arrived home the day before the national State of Emergency for the coronavirus.  It’s been an abrupt change of pace, a kind of screeching to a halt of life as I know it but perhaps because I was not teaching this semester, it’s becoming a welcome time of healing and renewal.

I decided to retire last May because I yearn for a more mindful way of being, a pace that allows me to take in each moment, each meal, each conversation.  So, while I have no worries about losing my job or paycheck or even business as many do, this time remains a significant adjustment.  How do I spend my unscheduled days?  Where should I invest myself and what should I let go of?  Is this the time to start gathering my journals and reflecting on my life or the time to get outside to prepare the garden or the time for knotting a comforter for MCC?  My answers are still unfolding but I found this online quote distilled my most idealistic hopes for me and for our world during this uncertain time.  Perhaps it speaks to you also….