Daily Connector | Racial Equity and Social Justice 21-day Challenge| Cindy Fath

A few weeks ago, Lora in HR where I work, shared an upcoming 21-day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge with YWCA and encouraged all our staff to participate. The program started March 1st and is aimed to create awareness and habits around race, power, privilege and leadership.

The topic of the first week is ‘Reparations.’ Since that is our Lenten topic, I decided to notify Mark and Joel, who suggested the link be shared here. Each day, there are a variety of videos and articles to delve into. Day one focused on the history of reparations in the US and around the world. To participate, go to this site: https://www.ywcaofcleveland.org/eliminate-racism/21-day-racial-equity-challenge/.

This program is free to all and I encourage you to share it as well. I’m learning so much from my participation. Rise up and take the challenge!