

For Good

On Sunday I made an off-the-cuff joke about how I was sorry I had written my sermon before seeing the new Wicked movie because it meant I didn’t have time to make the movie the entire focus of the sermon as I leaned into my latest obsession. But I suppose…

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Advent Visitations

The first chapter of Luke’s gospel is full of visitations.  There’s the angel Gabriel’s visit to Zechariah in the temple, promising a birth to him and Elizabeth in their old age.  Gabriel visits Mary with words almost too terrifying and wonderful to bear, but bear them she does.  Mary visits…

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Grief, Connection and a Tree’s Funeral

by Bethany Davey I’m mourning the death of a tree. Two weeks ago, one of our neighborhood trees unexpectedly fell victim to an impending gas line project. Though we had received numerous notices about the project—always slated for the ambiguous future—we had not been informed that trees would be removed….

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Voting, Power, and Being the Church

The High School Sunday School class that I lead has been working through a series on Faith and Politics in the lead-up to and, now, fallout from the recent election. A few weeks ago, the class session was focused on exploring the differences and tensions between the “Kin(g)dom of God”…

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Dis-illusioned: Post-Election Thoughts

Given the results of the election, we now know this: America wants Trump.  Not just the convoluted Electoral College, but the majority of voting Americans have decided this.    When I sit down with folks undergoing a faith crisis – often one that has been unfolding for years – a…

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