2015 Review

2015 is gone, but it’s worth remembering where we’ve been and what we’ve done in the past year.  With fear and trembling that I may be leaving out something crucial, here are some of the highlights from the year, roughly in chronological order.  Many of these events happen every year and are part of the annual rhythm of the congregation, others are unique to 2015.  All of them are the work of an active community seeking to follow Jesus Christ and be led by the Holy Spirit:

Guest speaker Joseph Sprague shares about ministry in prison and neighborhood + open mic night songs and poetry + Coming of Age celebration and mentor matching for Jonathan L, Fiona C, Ian KK, Elizabeth M, Daniel N, and Aaron K + Gospel music Sunday + serving Sunday breakfast at Community Resources Center + group meals hosted at different homes + Lent “Praying with creation” + celebration of Paul S’s long time service as congregational treasurer + Maundy Thursday with Rabbi Jessica Shimberg + monthly meals with North Broadway UMC at YWCA Family Center, a new shelter helps ease demand at YWCA +  Comforter knotting party packs the house + Easter theme of “Practice Resurrection” + Jubilee Fund raises $25,285, enabling 28 CMCers to ease debt burden by $903.03 each + BREAD Nehemiah Action draws 80+ CMCers and 2,200+ people of faith to do justice in Franklin County + Membershi p Sunday welcomes new members:  Jon and Renee L, Melissa N, Nate T, Annie and Seth T, Haley B, Rachel and Rondell B + guest speaker Carol Wise talks about LGBTQ inclusion + Montana de Luz group serves in Honduras + CPT Rummage Sale + Outdoor service at Highlands Metro Park + Weddings: Aaron W and Sara G, Jill K and Gabriel L + Central District annual meeting at AMBS discusses inclusion and racial justice + visit from Juvenal from our sister church in Armenia, Colombia + Comforter blessing for 150+ Piecemaker comforters, sent to MCC + Blankets for graduating seniors Jake Ryan, Lisi Long, and Emma Halterman + Kansas City Mennonite Church USA convention for kids, youth, and adults + Mark R’s licensing service and celebration + Mennonite World Conference in PA + CMC Vacation Bible School + MTSO student Chris Pedersen begins internship + Bibles presented to second graders Mario L, Lydia M, Gabe and Zac C, Nina G-N, and Carolina N + Fall retreat at Camp Luz + Revelation worship series and the Tree of Life + Parents’ Night out gives young kids a chance to play and parents a date + Births: Parklyn B, Amelia T, Michael P, Harold T, Thaddeus C + All Saints/Souls Day remembrance + Renovation plans affirmed and fundraising begun for sanctuary stage and kitchen + Child dedications for William and Maisie S, Lillian M-M, Amelia T, and Parklyn B + Advent “Barriers and Thresholds” and stories from Palestine and Israel + children’s Christmas play “Once upon a starry night” + #wechoosewelcome, congregational selfie at the end of worship

With gratitude for the goodness of what has been and good hopes for what is to come +++