Online donations:  HERE is the online giving page. Donations can be made by credit or debit card, or through a PayPal account. Thank you for supporting the ministry of Columbus Mennonite Church.

Sunday Worship | July 28, 2024

The order of worship for the service is HERE.


The Zoom link is Or dial 1-301-715-8592, ID 835 7902 8885.


Nursery and Preschoolers’ Time

July 28

Nursery Worship: Jerry Nussbaum, Laura & Addy Steiner

Preschoolers’ Time: Robin Walton

August 4

Nursery Worship: Hannah Troyer, Becky Waybill

Preschoolers’ Time: Nancy Franke


Hunger for Healing 12 Step Sunday School class will be meeting Sundays at 11 am in Room 4 in the basement through September 1. All are welcome to attend in person or on zoom. For more information, contact Julie Hart.


Prayers appreciated for our family and especially for my husband Brent. His father has passed. -Alma Thompson


Reminders: July 25 – July 28

Follow along HERE, as the “All God’s Children March” heads toward Washington DC. Conrad Gratz has been with the group since day one and has provided daily updates. Mary Yoder has also joined the group this week. Continue to check the link for updates!


Office Update: Pastor Joel will be on vacation August 1-10. Contact Pastor Mark during this time for pastoral care concerns.


Attention book and cookie/popcorn lovers of all ages! Join us for “Cookie” Sunday on August 4 and make it extra special by participating in our “Bring One, Take One” book exchange! Kids & kids at heart (i.e. everyone!) are encouraged to bring a used book and take home a different one, sharing the love of reading with friends and family. Let’s celebrate the joy of books and cookies (or popcorn) together!


Transitions and Ritual Small Group. This late-summer and fall, I will be leading another group through the Transitions and Ritual process. This will be an opportunity to reflect on the many transitions we undergo throughout adulthood, select a particular personal transition past or present to give attention to, and ritually mark that transition together. Gatherings will include two evening mini-retreats and five Sunday school hour sessions, late August through October. I’m looking for 8-10 folks 18-100 years old to participate. If you are undergoing or foreseeing a life transition, if you are near a birthday ending in 0, or if you just want to be part of a small group doing intentional work around transitions you are an excellent candidate. Let me know if you are interested! – Pastor Joel


Baby Shower! You are invited to join us for a baby shower for our daughter, Dakota, on Sunday, August 11 in the fellowship hall following the morning worship service. We hope that you will come and celebrate with us as we anticipate the arrival of her baby boy. -Kayla and Jori Fuller. The baby gift registry is HERE (Amazon).


Does your deck, side walk or vinyl siding need a good cleaning?  Michael Afriyie is looking for 5-7 more summer power washing gigs to round out his summer earnings. If you’re interested, contact him at 614-962-9453.


Do you have a car to lend? Yasir Makki is currently in Columbus for 7-10 days and is looking for a car to borrow during this time. If you have one to loan, please contact him directly at 614-512-3515.

SHARE (Sharing Here And ‘Round the Earth)

School Kit Time! Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) needs school kits for distribution where children are emerging from areas which have been ravaged by flooding, avalanches, earthquakes, and war. We will need to purchase the following items for each kit:

  • 4 spiral-bound notebooks (70 sheets each)

  • 1 ruler; flat, good quality, must indicate 30 cm (inches optional)

  • 12 colored pencils (in original packaging)

  • 1 large eraser

  • 4 new black or blue ballpoint pens

Please place these items in the labeled boxes in the fellowship hall. The deadline and date for assembling the school kits is Sunday, August 11th. Contact Fred Suter (614-832-6718 or with any questions.


Sunday’s Events

9:30 am Worship


Activities this Week

Wednesday, July 31

5:30 pm Vacation Bible School in fellowship hall, sanctuary


Thursday, August 1

9:00 am Bulletin deadline

4:00 pm Set up for Piecemakers in fellowship hall


Friday, August 2

6:30 am Men’s Breakfast via Zoom

9:00 am Piecemakers in fellowship hall


Sunday, August 4

9:30 am Worship

Cookie Sunday following worship

11:30 am “All God’s Children March” -sharing from Conrad Gratz and Mary Yoder in library

7:00 pm Acoustic Music in sanctuary


Office Contacts and Schedules for July 28 – August 4

Gwen:, 614-558-2971, Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Mim:, 614-745-5150, Tues: 9:30 am – 3:00 pm

Mark:, 419-392-0610, Mon-Thur: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm; Friday: Sabbath

Joel:, 614-940-7839, Mon: Sabbath; Tues-Wed: 9:00 am-5:00 pm; Vacation: Aug 1 – Aug 10.


Upcoming Events

July/Aug      VBS (Wed. 31, Aug. 7; Sat. Aug 10)

Sept 27-29  Fall Retreat at Kirkmont Center


Last Sunday | July 21

Attendance: 133 (hybrid)

Offerings Received (last week) $     11,310.00

Offerings Received (July)         $     24,455.00

Offerings Needed (July)           $     39,500.00

Christian Education Classes

Hunger for Healing 12 Step Sunday School class will be meeting Sundays at 11am in Room 4 in the basement through September 1.  All are welcome to attend in person or on zoom.  For more information, contact Julie Hart.

All other classes are on recess until September 8.