
These past two weeks I’ve had an unusually high amount of
conversations with CMC folks who are overwhelmed with their jobs.  Overly busy, swamped, worn down, exhausted,
exasperated.  I started noticing a
pattern last week, then it kept coming. 
This is likely not an unusual condition. 
It’s just unusual for it to dominate the content of so many of my own
interactions with CMC folks. 

So I’m highlighting it here. 
Since we are Practicing Awareness during Lent, I’m passing along what
has come to my awareness.  In case you
thought you were the only one.  Or in
case you thought it was mostly your problem rather than a persistent and
rampant systemic reality.  As you well
know, it most definitely is your problem. 
It is most definitely our problem, collectively, as a society.

Sometimes it’s just a busy season, with relief in
sight.  Sometimes there are do-able steps
one can take to delegate responsibilities, say No more often, shed tasks down to
what is most important.  And sometimes it’s
time to get the hell out while you’re still alive.

One of the things I most appreciate about Lent is the
constant reminder of our mortality.  We
begin with the words of Ash Wednesday: “Remember you are dust, and to dust you
will return.” We end with the cross, witnessing the death of Jesus who said, “Pick
up your cross and follow me.” 

A contemplative awareness of death does wonders to bring
life into focus.  What and who is most
important?  How can I be of service to
humanity and not a slave to the man?  How
can I provide for myself and those I love with time for what brings me joy?   What am I to do with this miraculous dust of
my body while I still have breath?   

I continue to believe that Sabbath is one of the most
radical forms of resistance in our time. 
A day when non-market values rule the day, and life is lived for its own

How are you doing with all that?!
