
Last week I, along with a number of other people from CMC, attended the biennial Mennonite Church USA Convention in Kansas City, Missouri.  These conventions are always packed full of good conversations with friends, meaningful worship services, challenging and thought-provoking seminars, and lots and lots of walking (my step counter was over 30,000 one of the days). 

All of the worship services this year had the same central scripture passage that was unpacked by various speakers in different ways.  That passage was John 20:19-23, where Jesus appears to the disciples after the resurrection, breathes the Holy Spirit over them, and tells them “Peace be with you.” 

Our group had to leave before the final worship service on Saturday morning, but I heard afterwards that it was a very moving service with an inspiring sermon delivered by MCUSA’s current Executive Director, Glen Guyton.  I heard about it, in part, because Glen invited everyone to think about how they were going to take what they’ve experienced back home with them and post about it on social media using the hashtag: #BringThePeace. 

I saw multiple #BringThePeace posts while scrolling through my feeds, and it was interesting to see the many ways people were committing themselves to being peacemakers in their own communities, families, and the world. 

This coming Sunday (July 14), I will be preaching on that same passage and reflecting a bit more on my convention experience.  While not many of you who read this were at the convention, I am wondering how you #BringThePeace in your own lives.  Feel free to reply with your response, and you might just hear it shared on Sunday. 

Until then, peace be with you all.